Every night after Anthony has his bath, he gets a massage with Lavendar lotion. It is supposed to help calm and relax babies. I guess it's working. He sleeps really good. Especially this night. I put him down to play on his blanket before bedtime and here he fell asleep.
How precious and sweet. I can just smell the baby lotion. Hey...since you are a stay at home mom, let's do lunch soon! :)
Pure and utter sweetness, this one! I love that lotion. Riley used to get a good dousing with it after bathtime too! Smells sooo good. We put Leland in our sink the other night because he was just fussy for no apparent reason. A nice warm bath always used to work miracles when Riley was a wee one, and it worked on Leland too. Then I got to rub him down with the lavender lotion. Mmmm, smells so sweet. Brings back memories of when my boy was that size. *sigh*
That is some sweet sugar right there girl. Nothing better! He's a beautiful little man.
Oh the smell and the sweetness of a sleeping baby! Nothing more perfect!!!
That second pic is so precious. He is such a cutie pie.
I think I smell him..very precious.
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